Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Spending Plans

People tend to view a budget like a diet... painful and only for those that need to spend less. Nothing could be further from the truth!! At least half of all millionaires use budgets to plan their personal spending. Financially successful people have certain traits in common: they live beneath their means, set aside a portion of their incomes for saving and investing, and use a budget to plan and control spending.

We'll be offering a course soon to help you prepare a budget that fits you. You won't necessarily spend less but you will spend more effectively and get more "bang for your buck." Stay tuned for more.

1 comment:

mbloar said...

Guy -
What is the name of the course you are planning to offer? We are starting one called, "Good$ense."
I love your blog...I'll send you some email sites on being frugal that I really like. Love you! MBLo