Saturday, December 27, 2008

Discussing finances with the Family

Today's Wall Street Journal's Intelligent Investor discusses how and when to discuss finances with the children. Honesty, within reason, is the best policy when the kids are involved. Even when the news is less than rosy.

Keep family life as consistent as possible. Emphasize familiarity, continuity and the comfort of simple routines, such as meal and bed times. Stability reassures all that some things will remain within family control.

Be forthright. Don't let the kids overhear your discussions or hear about layoffs or other set backs from others.

Don't hide changes that might disrupt the family routine. Reassure your children that job or school changes, home downsizing, and other major events won't change your family values. Get the kids involved in brainstorming money saving ideas. Have everyone prioritize what are important to the family.

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