Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Low (or no) Cost Entertainment Tips from Libra

Libra Gysel shared some reduced cost and no cost entertainment ideas:

1. Wait for movies to come out on DVDs and then don't buy or spend money on rentals. Borrow them from your Library. They have a huge selection of dvds, cds, and audio books.
Note from Jerri: The Library has a huge selection of DVDs, CDs, and audio books. Go on line at http://www.jpl.coj.net/ from the comfort of your home and reserve the movies, books, or cds you want. You will be notified by email (or telephone, if you prefer) when they are available. Movies are due back in 7 days. Important tip: Plan library visits into your weekly routine because overdue fines on movies are steep, $1 a day.
2. When you must splurge on a night out, try Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater, http://www.abettheatre.com/ or Players by-the-Sea, http://www.playersbythesea.org/. Libra says these venues charge 1/2 the price of a play downtown.
Thanks for your suggestions Libra!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you sign up on-line with the Library, you can also elect to receive email reminders of when your items are due. It is very handy because they will list everything that is due on a certain date. No more forgotten items.