Monday, November 24, 2008

What are we going to call this thing?

On Sunday (November 24, 2008), Penny Pfab announced that we’d be offering a structured program about personal finances and methods of surviving the current economic times. She asked me what we would call this program and I hadn’t really focused on that question until now.

My perception as of right now, is that we need a two-fold process. First, we need to exchange ideas of how to reduce costs and survive the economy to fight another day, to provide support and comfort to each other, to be there to listen, and to provide individual counseling when needed.

That need is being addressed right now by this blog. You can participate in two ways. If you have a money saving tip, you can email it to Jerri Moats at She will post it to the blog. Or you can post comments to any entry on the blog and I’ll make sure it appears. In either case, you need to subscribe to the blog and follow the instructions of how to “follow” the blog. You also need to remember to log on and see what’s new. If something works for you or doesn’t work for you, post a comment telling us why.

The second step of our journey is to learn biblical principles of giving, saving, debt and spending. We now have a structured six-week program that teaches these principals. From these principles, each participant can prepare personal spending plans (or budgets). If you want more information on the program itself, go to and read about “Freed Up Financial Living.”

We’ll adapt our program to your needs as we learn what they are. To know that, you’ll need to tell us. One other point, these programs, while held in group settings, are confidential. You needed share anything you don’t want to share. Anything told to a counselor in confidence is and will be kept in confidence.

So what we are going to call this program? How about “Getting By-a journey to financial freedom”?

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